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September 7–13, 2025 is National Suicide Prevention Week. Suicide is a national health problem that currently ranks as the 2nd leading cause of death for ages 10 – 24.  Suicide is also one of the leading causes of preventable death in our nation. This race is to help spread awareness in an effort to shed light on this highly taboo and stigmatized topic.

This race benefits: NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness.


  • Register for the race and print your bib
  • Complete a 5k, 10k or Half Marathon run/walk at your convenience, any time, anywhere between September 7-13, 2025
  • Submit your time (optional) to see how you placed overall and receive your finisher certificate.
  • Celebrate your accomplishment by sharing on social media! #RunsForAPurpose
  • Feel free to join the Virtual Runs for a Purpose Facebook Group to share and celebrate with other participants. Don't forget to follow our Facebook page too!


  • Suicide Awareness Medal
  • Printable Race Bib
  • Printable Finisher Certificate


  • Only 1 person needs to register and create a team name
  • Share your team name so others can join during registration


  • How do I print my bib?
    Once you register, go to your profile page and scroll down to the event listed. On the right, click "View Digital Bib"
  • How do I print my finisher certificate?
    Once you submit your time after completing the race, there will be an option to print your finisher certificate.
  • Do I have to submit my time to get my medal?
    No, submitting your time is optional, your medal will be mailed to you regardless.
  • How do I track my time?
    You can use any time tracking app available in the app store. Here is a list of the top 10 apps.
  • How do I create a team?
    During registration, you will setup a team name. Share your team name with others so when they go to register, they look for your team name to join.
  • Do all team members have to run/walk together?
    No, that is the great part about a virtual race! Each team member can run/walk at their own pace on their own time.
  • Do all team members have to do the same distance?
    No, each team member can choose to do their own distance.
  • When will I get my medal?
    Medals will start to ship mid-August through the end of the race. Shirts will start to ship 2 weeks prior to the race. Shirt deadline is August 10th to receive in time for the race. Shirts ordered after August 10th are not guaranteed to arrive in time for the race.


Registration includes: race medal, bib and finisher certificate.
Suicide Awareness Run/Walk
Suicide Awareness Run/Walk
Suicide Awareness Run/Walk


Shirts are available for $20 during checkout.
Suicide Awareness Run/Walk
Suicide Awareness Run/Walk
Suicide Awareness Run/Walk